According to the tree chart resulted from the Model Q analysis these 22 pumpkin varieties were categorized into 4 groups, i.e. Americas pumpkin, Chinese pumpkin, winter squash, black seed pumpkin, which tallies with the traditional classification result. 结果表明:Q型聚类分析得出的树系图,可以明显地将22种南瓜材料归为4类,即美洲南瓜、中国南瓜、印度南瓜和黑籽南瓜,与传统分类学的结果相符;
Bottlegourd and summer squash were the best stocks for watermelon with high compatibility, followed by black seed squash, winter squash and pumpkin. 试验结果表明,西瓜与葫芦和西葫芦的嫁接成活率最高,其次为黑籽南瓜、笋瓜和中国南瓜。
The Effect of Different Fruit Age and Post-ripening Period on the Quality Index of Squash Seed 不同瓜龄、后熟期对西葫芦采种指标的影响
The seed-used China Squash has been planted in Heilongjiang province over 2 millions hectares, but cultivation techniques still exist some shortcomings which affect the yield and quality of the seed production of China Squash. 黑龙江省籽用南瓜面积已达200万hm~2,但因栽培技术上的不完善,而严重影响产量和效益。
Studies on the Application of RAPD on the Testing of Hairy Squash Seed Purity RAPD方法在节瓜种子纯度鉴定中的应用初探
The seeds of summer squash were treated with different temperature and time. The results indicated that the best treatment was 60 ℃, 24 h, which could increase seed germination vigor, promote seedling growth. 对西葫芦种子进行不同温度和时间的干热处理,结果发现:60℃、24h处理的效果最好,能提高种子的发芽势,促进幼苗生长;